Louisiana Meat Goat Association

2020 Louisiana Bred Rules and Procedures



Louisiana Bred Rules & Procedures

1. Animals must be conceived, born and raised in Louisiana.

2. The breeder must be a paid member in good standing of the LMGA, registered on the breeder’s list and pay $15 per LA Bred tag. The LA Bred tag numbers will be assigned to the breeder and cannot be sold to or used by another breeder unless authorized by the Board of Directors. A goat of any age can be tagged or validated by the breeder of that goat. The goat must meet all LA Bred requirements and the breeder must be a current member in good standing for the year that the goat is being tagged or validated.

3. Commercial does, market does and wethers must have the LA Bred tag in the left ear. It is the breeder’s responsibility to see that the tag is in the left ear of the goat for commercial does, market does and wethers. Registered goats may have the tag in the ear or on the collar. It is the breeder’s responsibility to either put the tag in the left ear or provide the tag for registered goats. The breeder must complete their portion of the initial Validation Application and sign it. The exhibitor is responsible for completing the Validation Application and turning in the validation paperwork by the deadlines.

4. In addition to ear tagging, commercial does must be tattooed with COM in the left ear and DOE in the right ear. These are the only tattoos allowed in a commercial does ears. Commercial does cannot be registered with any breed association. The ear tattoos will be checked at the State Fair and LSU State Livestock Show and/or any show that recognizes LA Bred.

5. The exhibitor is responsible for turning in completed Validation Application and paperwork by the deadlines and must pay $2 for each Validation Certificate to be sent by email or $3 for each certificate to be sent by USPS.

                                                       LA BRED VALIDATION PROCESS

                                           ALL LA BRED GOATS MUST BE VALIDATED


1. ALL goats must be validated to qualify for LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes. The breeder must be a current LMGA member in good standing and purchase LA Bred tags from the LMGA. The breeder must fill out a Validation Application which is to be signed by the breeder and exhibitor. The breeder records the tag number on the Validation Application that corresponds with the goat and will either put the tag in the left ear or give the tag to the exhibitor.  The breeder will give the Validation Application to the exhibitor.  The LA Bred tag number must also be recorded on the original registration paper (this can either be documented through the registering association or written on the papers in ink). The exhibitor must turn the completed Validation Application along with a copy of the goat’s registration papers and $2 for each Validation Certificate to be sent by email or $3 for each certificate to be sent by USPS to the LMGA LA bred representative no later than 10 days following the possession deadlines set forth by the association/organization putting on the show. A Validation Certificate is valid for one calendar year (January-December).  All goats currently on a validation list will need to be revalidated to be eligible to receive LA Bred awards for the following year. Validations and Re-validations for a following year will start being accepted October 1 of the current year.  If you are validating a goat that was validated the previous year the breeder’s information must be on the Validation Application but the breeder’s signature is not required. 

2. For LSU State Livestock Show and State Fair of Louisiana a copy of the Validation Certificate must be turned in with the entry form.

3. For a goat to qualify for LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes when in the show ring the LA Bred tag must be in the left ear or the LA Bred tag must be attached to the collar/chain/lead of the goat. Only the tag that corresponds with that goat will be allowed on the collar/chain/lead.


1.  ALL goats must be validated to qualify for LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes. The breeder must be a current LMGA member in good standing and purchase LA Bred tags from the LMGA. The breeder must fill out a Validation Application which is to be signed by the breeder and exhibitor. The breeder records the tag number on the validation application that corresponds with the goat and the tag must be affixed in the left ear. The exhibitor must turn the completed Validation Application and $2 for each Validation Certificate to be sent by email or $3 for each certificate to be sent by USPS to the LMGA LA bred representative no later than 10 days following the possession deadlines set forth by the association/organization putting on the show. A Validation Certificate is valid for one calendar year (January-December). All goats currently on a validation list will need to be revalidated to be eligible to receive LA Bred awards for the following year. Validations and Re-validations for a following year will start being accepted October 1 of the current year. If you are validating a goat that was validated the previous year the breeder’s information must be on the Validation Application but the breeder’s signature is not required. 

2. For LSU State Livestock Show and State Fair of Louisiana a copy of the Validation Certificate must be turned in with the entry form.

3. For a commercial doe, market doe or wether to qualify for LA bred awards, premiums and prizes the LA Bred tag must be affixed in the left ear.

For all LA Bred goats:

The new procedures will start January 2020. For those goats born before 2019 the breeder’s signature will not be required on the initial Validation Application.

Failure to comply with these rules and procedures will result in a loss of all LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes.


LA Bred Rules


2019 Louisiana Bred Rules & Procedures

1. Animals must be conceived, born and raised in Louisiana.

2. The breeder must be a paid member in good standing of the LMGA, registered on the breeder’s list and pay $15 per LA Bred tag. The LA Bred tag numbers will be assigned to the breeder and cannot be sold to or used by another breeder unless authorized by the Board of Directors.  A goat of any age can be tagged or validated by the breeder of that goat. The goat must meet all LA Bred requirements and the breeder must be a member in good standing for the year that the goat is being tagged or validated.  

3. It is the breeder’s responsibility to see that the tag is in the left ear of the goat.

4. In addition to ear tagging, commercial does must be tattooed with COM in the left ear and DOE in the right ear. These are the only tattoos allowed in a commercial does ears. The ear tattoos will be checked at the State Fair and LSU State Livestock Show and/or any show that recognizes LA Bred.

5. LA Bred tags will not be issued between December 15 and February 15 with the exception of current members picking up tags at the State Livestock show after the finish of the goat show.


ADGA sanctioned breeds (Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, Toggenburg, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Oberhasli and Sable) and Pygmies will have the option of attaching the LA Bred Tag to the ear or attaching the LA Bred tag to the collar/chain/lead.

If the LA Bred tag is not attached to the ear then the following rules and regulations must be followed:

1. ALL dairy and pygmy goats must be validated to qualify for LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes. The breeder must be a current LMGA member in good standing and purchase LA Bred tags from the LMGA. The breeder must fill out a Validation Certificate which is to be signed by the breeder and exhibitor. The breeder records the tag number on the validation certificate that corresponds with the goat and will give the tag and the form to the exhibitor. The LA Bred tag number must also be recorded on the original registration paper (this can either be documented through the registering association or written on the papers in ink). The exhibitor must turn the completed validation certificate along with a copy of the goat’s registration papers in to the LMGA LA bred representative no later than 30 days following the possession deadlines set forth by the association/organization putting on the show. A Validation Certificate is valid for one calendar year (January-December).  All goats currently on a validation list will need to be revalidated to be eligible to receive LA Bred awards for the following year. Validations and Re-validations for a following year will start being accepted October 1 of the current year.  If you are validating a goat that was validated the previous year the breeder’s information must be on the Validation Certificate but the breeder’s signature is not required. 

2. At the LA State Fair and the LSU State Livestock Show ALL dairy breeds and pygmies will be required to be checked in by an LMGA Board of Director. The LA Bred tag number, the registration paper and the goat’s tattoos will be verified to make sure they all match the validation certificate.

3. For a goat to qualify for LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes when in the show ring the LA Bred tag must be attached to the collar/chain/lead of the goat. Only the tag that corresponds with that goat will be allowed on the collar/chain/lead.

4. LA Bred tags will not be issued between December 15 and February 15 with the exception of current members picking up tags at the State Livestock show after the finish of the goat show.

Failure to comply with these rules and procedures will result in a loss of all LA Bred awards, premiums and prizes.

If the breeder/exhibitor chooses to attach the LA Bred tag to the ear then the validation and check in procedures are not necessary.

